How to Sell CRM to a Skeptic
Many executives and managers just don’t grasp the value of CRM. Why should they invest in an expensive new software platform when they’re fine with the way their old Excel spreadsheet works? Why create a central database of customer information when sales reps already know who their customers are?
Even if they aren’t completely hostile about the concept of incorporating a CRM into the business, they’re still skeptical. So how do you show them what they’re missing?
It’s helpful to see things from their points of view. As an executive, they’re constantly bombarded by B2B companies trying to sell them “solutions” that don’t actually solve their problems. So it’s only natural that they’d develop a healthy amount of skepticism, and demand that exceptional claims be backed by equally exceptional proof.
To win them over, you’re going to need some pretty compelling arguments.
Here are six essential talking points that should open the mind of any CRM skeptic:
The Value of Streamlining
Before you dive into all the financial benefits of CRM, it’s important that skeptics understand exactly what CRMs do.
From the perspective of a non-technical person, one of the biggest benefits of a CRM is that it puts all of your most valuable customer information in one place. In other words, it removes the need for constantly jumping from one piece of software to another. So when dealing with customer data, you workflow will be streamlined across the board.
For example, your sales team and customer service reps will spend far less time trying to access customer records. As a result, even a small investment in a CRM solution can yield huge, long-term results in overall efficiency.
CRMs Create Trackable Outcomes
Most companies have terrible visibility regarding their sales pipelines, so they only have a rough idea of how their daily activities translate into closed deals and other outcomes. Many executives and managers may have gotten so used to this lack of visibility that they don’t even realize how detailed and insightful CRM reporting can be for tracking sales.
At a glance, they can see where any given prospect is in the sales pipeline, and any issues the rep is having in closing that sale. A CRM provides a clear window into an otherwise opaque process, and allows managers to easily identify and correct problems they couldn’t see before.
A Truly Scalable Solution
One of the biggest concerns about implementing a new CRM solution is the cost and time required to get it up and running. There are countless horror stories about CRM projects that blow right past their allotted budgets and schedules, only to completely fail within a few months after launch.
However, many skeptics don’t realize the following:
-CRM platforms don’t have to be expensive.
-They don’t have to take a long time to implement.
-Much of the risk can be offset by sticking to best practices.
Basic CRM software is both cost-effective and agile, and can easily be scaled and improved as needed. It’s important to find a CRM implementation partner who understands your specific needs and use cases. Don’t settle for one who’s only interested in upselling you all the bells and whistles to maximize their fees.
Dramatically Improved Customer Experience
Until you have the right tools for monitoring customer interactions, it’s almost impossible to understand why your customers behave the way they do. Individual sales or customer service reps may be able to understand specifics about the customers they interact with. Yet, there’s no way to generalize that information in a way that’s useful for your entire business.
By turning every interaction into a data point, you can gain deep insights into every customer segment. The better you understand your customers, the easier it is to keep them happy with your products and services.
Unmatched KPIs and Reporting
If there’s one thing that even the most skeptical executives can’t argue with, it’s the value of cold, hard data about sales and customers. Most CRMs can track a staggering range of KPIs, right out of the box. As a forecasting and analysis tool, the data provided by a CRM is invaluable. It allows the company’s leaders to make better strategic decisions and long-term plans.
Many CRMs also include tools for generating reports that are visually intuitive, which allows executives to quickly and easily understand the information they’re being shown. Instead of struggling with a spreadsheet, you can stay on top of the latest developments by simply checking the dashboard. This will save your company a surprising amount of time and money.
It All Comes Back to ROI
CRM software is a rare example of a solution that consistently generates a measurable return on investment. A properly implemented CRM will streamline the workflow for the sales team, which allows them to make more calls per day. Thus, they’ll make more sales.
A CRM will also reduce call times for customer service reps. They’ll have everything they need to answer questions and close tickets within the CRM itself.
Managers can see exactly what their sales teams are doing, which allows them to easily identify and resolve problems. Executives can track KPIs in real time, quickly analyze trends, and generate in-depth reports within seconds.
In addition to being cost-effective, a CRM provides a massive ROI as a timesaver.
To learn more about the ways a customized CRM solution can generate real results for your company, contact Faye for a free consultation.